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In this comprehensive manual, the author provides both the theoretical background and the practical treatment interventions necessary for working with those who are bereaved or dying.Important topics such as anticipatory...
This volume is directed towards professionals who work in the fields concerning death and dying.
Inthis chapter wewillexplore the particular aspects that affect thecounselling and supportive work needed when workingwith people who are bereaved bymurder, manslaughter, suicide, andin disasters (Dixon 2001; Malone 2007).
Using a social-psychological approach, the new edition of this book remains solidly grounded in theory and research, while also providing useful information to help individuals examine their own feelings about-and...
This text, written for death educators, clinicians, researchers, and students of thanatology, provides current information about "thanatechnology," the communication technology used in providing death education, grief counseling, and ...
... Norman, 264 PDA (Personal Death Awareness), 200–201 Pediatric Advanced Care Team (PACT), 169 pediatric palliative care (PPC) adult palliative care contrasted with, 171–172 challenges, 175–177 continuity of care, consequences for, ...
Keats, M. R., Courneya, K. S., Danielsen, S., & Whitsett, S. F. (1999). Leisuretime physical activity and psychosocial well being in adolescents after cancerdiagnosis. Journalof Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 16,180–188.
At a lecture, a woman named Meredith shared her story. Meredith's friends were telling her she just wasn't herself— what was going on? She explained that it was the twenty-fifth anniversary of her mother's death.
This book provides detailed analysis of the manifold ways in which COVID-19 has influenced death, dying and bereavement.
This informative anthology, now in its seventh edition, helps to provide an understanding of dying, death, and bereavement that will assist individuals in better coping with their own death and the death of others.