In August, 1985, the 2nd International Conference on Illness Behaviour was held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The first International Conference took place one year previous in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. This book is based on the proceedings of the second conference. The purpose behind this conference was to facilitate the development of a single integrated model to account for illness experience and presentation. A major focus of the conference was to outline methodological issues related to current behaviour research. A multidiscipl~nary approach was emphasized because of the bias that collaborative efforts are likely to be the most successful in achieving greater understanding of illness behaviour. Significant advances in our knowledge are occurring in all areas of the biological and social sciences, albeit more slowly in the latter areas. Marked specialization in each of these areas has lead to greater difficulty in integrating new knowledge with that of other areas and the development of a meaningful cohesive model to which all can relate. Thus there is a major need for forums such as that provided by this conference.
Symptoms, Illness Behavior, and Help-seeking
In both cases the Host of a potentially deadly disease and the Host of a mental disease leaves their families… [Read the Book!] Hint-Hint: As the front book cover suggest, Try but do not get too Attach!
Integrating theoretical and empirical developments, this text provides both researchers and professionals with a comprehensive review of self-regulation and health.
Carver , Scheier , and Weintraub ( 1989 ) have noted that the impact of personality characteristics on coping is modest , and that coping preferences exist independent of personality factors . Although coping preferences could be viewed ...
This book presents the author's views on the evolution of sickness and sick role in medical theory and practice.
"Featuring more than 700 entries across 20 sub-disciplines, this encyclopedia offers the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and international reference work on all aspects of the social scientific study of health and illness.
This book describes the nature of various forms of abnormal illness behaviour from a clinical perspective.
Tobi M, Morag A, Ravid Z, Chowere I, Feldman-Weiss V, Michaeli Y, Ben-Chetrit E, Shalit M, Knobler H. (1982). “Prolonged atypical illness associated with serological evidence of persistent Epstein-Barr virus infection,” Lancet 1(8263): ...
This volume covers the epidemiology and physiology of pain; psychosocial contributions to pain and illness behavior; promising ways of assessing and measuring chronic pain and dysfunction; clinical aspects of prevention, diagnosis, ...