The potential interest in this book could be measured by the fact that for the past 3 years the online website for the Maine Sex Offender Registry has had 8 million hits each year. The Evil and the Innocent presents a real life and true inside look at the tragedies and suffering of the victims of sexual assault. Those who committed these crimes against the innocent are described and discussed in detail revealing the sadistic fantasies that swirl in the heads of child sex offenders and how these fantasies manifest themselves into reality with total disregard for the pain and suffering inflicted on the victims - the children. These real and actual cases expose heartbreaking and sometimes nauseating facts of sexual assaults and molestations. As difficult as it may be for the reader, these documented details are openly displayed in the book and will stay with the reader for a long time. Seeing the dead eyes and helpless faces of little children who suffered the onslaught of cruel and inhumane acts are necessary ingredients if change is to occur. The book may startle and sicken you because of the cold, hard, facts that until now have been hidden from you. Why? to protect you. Real life suffering must be brought to the light of day so the collective "you" demands that it stop - no matter the cost.
Providing the practitioner with a practical guide to the law of sexual offences, this volume addresses the common problems encountered in daily practice.
This case describes how spiritual leaders can work with sexual assault survivors to help them heal.
Has it failed to include more marginalized groups? Will it be abandoned when Hollywood moves on to its next cause? This volume presents diverse viewpoints that unpack the goals, triumphs, and shortcomings of this relatively young movement.
"Author Halley Bondy explores the nuances of emotions, comfort, and discomfort in sexually charged and emotionally abusive situations.
Gives readers a first-hand look at how sex crimes are handled by the police and the criminal justice system.
Good Practice in Human Rights Compliant Sexual Offences Laws in the Commonwealth
Building Motivation for Change in Sexual Offenders
This book brings together leading scholars to consider key topics on sexual offending and, where possible, compares and contrasts criminological viewpoints with those of other disciplines, such as psychology and psychiatry.
Twenty-six authors from diverse scholarly backgrounds look at the vexed, traumatic intersections of the histories of slavery and of sexuality.