A reportedly "new" phenomenon has been sweeping across the globe. It is being preached from pulpits and broadcast on "Christian" television programs worldwide, that this new revelation has the power to make those who receive it and believe it, truly free. "Your performance doesn't matter, whether you sin or not. It's all covered under the grace of Jesus Christ," they say. But is this really a "new" phenomenon, or just an old attack of the enemy resurfacing in an attempt to once again derail the church? Having been delivered from a fourteen year drug addiction, Dr. Philip D. Derber knows the effect of taking a sleeping pill. Through its subtle witchcraft and sorceries (pharmakeia, or "pharmacy" from the original Greek New Testament), the false grace message can have a similar effect on believers as it is swallowed down... rendering them spiritually and morally unconscious! As you read through these pages, you will be empowered to avoid the effects of the grace sleeping pill.
These stories will help Christians comprehend and treasure the assurance of their salvation and will help non-Christians realize and embrace the gift of abundant, eternal life in Jesus Christ.
We want toerr on the side of goodness, so we holdon to both the law andgrace, believing we were saved by grace but it's the law that will keep us in line. Sojust to be safe, we try to hold onto both.But in reality therecannot beboth.
"A song of freedom for the world-weary woman."--Emily T. Wierenga, award-winning journalist, artist, and author of Atlas Girl "This book is full of wisdom, and as you read it, your soul will breathe a deep sigh of relief.
Reign in Life: 90 Powerful Inspirations for Extraordinary Breakthroughs
With humor, imagination, and tenderness, author Pam Saxelby, and illustrator Anne Saxelby, explore a baby's arrival, and the delight found in arriving at just the right place."--Publisher's description.
Ten-year-old Grace is crushed to learn that her grandparents' bakery might close after thirty years and wonders how her own business, which they inspired, can survive if theirs cannot, but she and her friends use their talents and newly ...
"By the end of this book you will see grace in a new light; you will see your loving God in a new light. Read it and be encouraged.
"If you struggle with trying so hard, being so good, and hoping so much for joy and grace in the mundane, savor this book."--Mary DeMuth, author of Thin Places: A Memoir "It is such a joy for me to recommend Emily's book to you.
Acts chapter 4 speaks of the church having "great" grace. With the great grace, they also had great power. If there is a "great" grace, then there must be an "average" grace, or a "little" grace. I've been to some churches that have ...
Grace is our certainty of eternal life and God's all-encompassing acceptance. Without grace, our religious beliefs are bad news, thus this book's advice, Grace: never leave home without it!