Dispossession: Discrimination against African American Farmers in the Age of Civil Rights
A few other works include, A.W. Hoadley, W.M. Kemp, A.C. Firmin, G.T. Smith, and P. Schelhorn, “Salmonellae in the Environment Around a Chicken Processing Plant,” Applied Microbiology, Volume 27, No. 5 (May 1974), 848–857; B.J. Dutka ...
"This ground-breaking collection proves that there is still a great deal to learn about the lives of black southerners.
This book examines the historical background of black farmers in America, with a focus on co-operatives and the Pigford cases.
"An impressive work of historical recovery, Discovering Black Vermont tells the story of three generations of free Blacks trying to build a life and community in northern Vermont in the years following statehood"--