In a sweeping analysis of religion in the post-Civil War and twentieth-century South, Freedom's Coming puts race and culture at the center, describing southern Protestant cultures as both priestly and prophetic: as southern formal theology sanctified dominant political and social hierarchies, evangelical belief and practice subtly undermined them. The seeds of subversion, Paul Harvey argues, were embedded in the passionate individualism, exuberant expressive forms, and profound faith of believers in the region. Harvey explains how black and white religious folk within and outside of mainstream religious groups formed a southern "evangelical counterculture" of Christian interracialism that challenged the theologically grounded racism pervasive among white southerners and ultimately helped to end Jim Crow in the South. Moving from the folk theology of segregation to the women who organized the Montgomery bus boycott, from the hymn-inspired freedom songs of the 1960s to the influence of black Pentecostal preachers on Elvis Presley, Harvey deploys cultural history in fresh and innovative ways and fills a decades-old need for a comprehensive history of Protestant religion and its relationship to the central question of race in the South for the postbellum and twentieth-century period.
... this photo ofa blowup of the stamp was accompanied by the following Freedom riders, from left to right: ellen broms, Michael grubbs, ralph Fertig, James Dennis, Claude albert liggins, steve Mcnichols, Max pavesic (behind Mcnichols), ...
21 Paul Harvey, Freedom's Coming: Religious Culture and the Shaping of the South from the Civil War through the Civil Rights Era (University of North Carolina Press, 2005), 42. 22 Cited in Dvorak, An African American Exodus, 186.
CORE used the Freedom Rides as a springboard into the Freedom Highways and Route 40 projects. New ar- rivals to Albany, Georgia, the movement's next hot spot, self-consciously referred to themselves as “Freedom Riders.
Freedom Concerts, 201 Freedom Corps, 274n60 Freedom Day declarations, 135, 146–47 Freedom Democrats (Mississippi Freedom ... “Freedom Is a Constant Dying” (song), 142 “Freedom Is a Constant Struggle” (song), 132, 148 “Freedom Is Coming” ...
This is a personal memoir of a young white woman, newly graduated from college, who worked for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and set out to reverse, redress, and...
The freedom's coming to you , rather than you going toward the freedom . That is vajra - like freedom . Vajra is a term in tantric Buddhism which means “ indestructibility . ” It also means overwhelming power .
fatally undermine the supposed indispensability of freedom.27 Again, the parallels with Kelsen's problematic in relation ... Freedom is 'what of presence comes to presence'.29 Moreover, in freedom's coming to presence, there is nothing ...
Due to his experience with other charitable causes, Pearson arranged for the project to get tax-exempt status. Not only did Pearson plug the campaign at least five times in his column, but he did so with the dramatic flourish that was ...
Dickerson, Dixie's Dirty Secret, 4. 50. John U. Barr to “Dear Fellow American,” n.d. [1955]; Federation for Constitutional Government, “Resolution,” typescript, Jan. 22, 1955; Federation for Constitutional Government, “Excerpts from ...
But I was able to look up and see that whereas I was being held and my clothes torn off, Alex Wilson was being attacked by somebody who had a brick in his hand. Instead of throwing the brick, 'cause he was too close and he didn't want ...