The author explores how and why black women, from the civil rights and Black Power era of the 1960s through anti-apartheid activism in the 1980s and beyond, and in places as far-flung as New York City, Atlanta, London, and Johannesburg, used their clothing, jewelry, hair, and general "soul style" not simply as a fashion statement but as an integral part of their activism and as a powerful tool of resistance.--Adapted from publisher description.
鲍姆嘉滕在西方素有"美学之父"之称. 本书收录了他三部著作:"理论美学","诗的哲学默想录"和"`诗的哲学默想录'英译本导言".
Nathan Schwartz - Salant and Murray Stein ( Wilmette , Illinois : Chiron Publications , 1984 ) . 22. Sally Parks , “ Experiments in Approaching A New Way of Listening , ” Journal of Analytical Psychology 32 ( 1987 ) : 93-115 . 23.
The volumes are designed for student use at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and will be of interest not only to students of philosophy but also to a wider audience of readers in the history of science, the history of theology, and the ...
Engaging Visual Culture is a guidebook for teachers to help students make sense of the pervasive flow of visual information shaping their worldview and way of being.
See my forthcoming Parodies as Politics , which discusses feminist theories of humor in comparison to traditional theories written by Plato , Aristotle , Hobbes , Hutcheson , Kant , Schopenhauer , Kierkegaard , Bergson , Freud , and ...
Del lado de los cautivos Francisco Javier Pérez ... Herrera , Fray Luis de León , Fray Luis de Granada , Calderón y Cervantes : « ¡ Tesoros todos ésos preciosos , que forman como un museo en los anales de las grandezas humanas !
Herbert Marcuse's essay " The Affirmative Character of Culture ” can be read as an attempt at such an application . 18 Marcuse outlines the global determination of art's function in bourgeois society , which is a contradictory one : on ...
See also transhumanism Extropy: e Journal of Transhuman ought, 56 Gagarin, Yuri, 135, 189–91 Gasché, Rodolphe, 102 Gates, Bill, 52, 61, 67 Genetech, 68 Gibson, William, 53 Gingrich, Newt, 161 Gnostics, 249 God: benevolent, 40; death of, ...
... zerrinnnt ihm immer wieder ; niemals also ist Eros der Mittel völlig ledig , niemals aber auch wirklich reich . Zwischen Weisheit und Unweisheit hält er die Mitte ... " ( Symposion 203 b.e ; vgl . Phaidr . 242 d ) 77 Die barfüßige ...