Part of the highly respected Primary Care Series, this 2nd edition of Lippincott's Primary Care Orthopaedics provides family practitioners, internists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and osteopathic and chiropractic physicians with the reference source they need to confidently diagnose and treat the most common musculoskeletal patient injuries seen in an office setting. This full-color, highly illustrated volume is designed to deliver the most useful information in a consistent and easy-to-reference format. Each chapter opens with a quick synopsis of the problem, followed by treatme.
This is the first volume of our Orthopaedic Surgery Essentials Series, designed for orthopaedic surgery residents' rotations and for general orthopaedists and primary care practitioners.
Leo Mayer , " Book Review : Fritz Lange , Die Epidemische Kinderlahmung , " J Bone Joint Surg 13 ( 1931 ) : 197-98 . 53. Lovett , The Treatment of Infantile Paralysis , 106-115 , 122–25 . 54. Georg Hohmann , “ Zum 100.
Nicholas , J. A. ( 1970 ) Injuries to the knee ligaments . Relationship to looseness and tightness in football players . Journal of the American Medical Association , 212 , 2236 . Nicholas , J. A. ( 1973 ) The five - one reconstruction ...
L'évaluation clinique en orthopédie
NY State J Med , 72 : 941–945 , April 15 , 1972 . Middleton , D. S .: Congenital disc ... Nachlas , I. W. , and Olpp , J. L .: Para - articular calcification ( Pellegrini - Stieda ) in affections of knee . ... Rubin , P. , et al .
"Orthopaedic Knowledge Update, 13th edition, is a comprehensive synthesis of the latest clinical thinking and best practices across all the orthopaedic specialty areas.
L'évaluation clinique en orthopédie