Health Promotion and Wellness is designed to provide health care providers with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills they need to provide high-quality clinical preventive services. This unique resource is separated into two sections: The first section gives information on risks, ways providers can assess for risk and tools they can use to advise and help patients move forward. The second section is a tool kit with information, resources, tools and other items that can help the clinician provide evidence-based, patient-centered information to their patients. This accessible reference provide readers with the basic elements necessary to help their patients change their health behavior related to the most prevalent risk factors, and to serve as a springboard to keep pace with the latest evidence arising in the applied science of wellness, prevention and health promotion. INSIDE YOU’LL FIND: • Screening, prevention, health promotion and advising information and resources that will complement your routine care of the patients you serve • Instructions for how to appropriately use CPT codes for billing preventive services
At the beginning of each chapter, the text includes links to the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing's seven areas of responsibilities, which define the skills needed for entry-level health education and health promotion ...
At the beginning of each chapter, the text includes links to the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing's seven areas of responsibilities, which define the skills needed for entry-level health education and health promotion ...
Karen M. Stolte. References Erikson , E.H. ( 1963 ) . Childhood and Society ( 2nd ed . ) . New York : Norton . Wong , D. ( 1995 ) . Whaley and Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children ( 5th ed . ) . St. Louis : Mosby - Year Book .
This must-have resource provides easy-to-understand, practical information on the ways chiropractors work as partners with individuals in patient-centered atmospheres to improve wellness.
This second edition offers foundational knowledge to health care professionals implementing primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention to healthy, at-risk, and disabled populations.
Wellness and Health Promotion for the Elderly
This book: Helps nurses understand wellness in the context of health promotion Clearly defines wellness as it applies to the practice of nursing Describes evidence-based techniques that nurses can readily incorporate into their usual care ...
Practitioners and students will find this book a practical and comprehensive resource for creating community health programs and promoting wellness among individuals and groups.
Health Promotion and Wellness (Preliminary Edition)