Outline format, high-yield-yet-comprehensive review of pediatric pathophysiology and clinical information, written specifically as a guide for third year medical, PA, or NP students during their pediatrics rotation. Key features include Quick Hits margin notes to highlight key points and a set of 100 "end-of-book” exam questions offered in both print and as a free iPhone app to accompany the text. A website on thePoint offers full text online, plus an image bank, and possible online or mobile video clips or audio clips (ie, heart sounds).
NEW Features for this edition: - Full-color, updated interior design brings the content to you in a memorable style. - Full-color, updated figures illustrate concepts when a picture says it best.
Step-Up to Medicine
This high-yield review book gives you exactly the help you need to succeed on your family medicine clerkship, the NBME Family Medicine Shelf Exam, and the ambulatory component of the USMLE Step 2 CK.
This edition includes full-color dermatology and infectious disease photographs and multicolored flow diagrams of congenital heart defects. A companion Website includes a question bank and fully searchable text.
An important addition to the popular Step-Up series, Step-Up to Emergency Medicine uses the proven series format to provide a high-yield review of emergency medicine, ideal for preparing for clerkships/clinical rotations, end of ...
The third edition packs illustrations, Next Steps, Mnemonics, and Quick Hits in a single, ingenious tool.
Kaplan Medical's USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2021: 7-Book Set offers in-depth review with a focus on high-yield topics in every discipline—a comprehensive approach that will help you deepen your understanding while focusing your efforts ...
This updated fifth edition of Step-Up to USMLE Step 2 CK helps you quickly memorize essential information and gives you the realistic test-taking practice to succeed.
"The questions serve as a self-assessment tool, allowing students to think through clinical scenarios without answer choices influencing their thought process.
Always study with the most up-to-date prep! Look for USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2018: Internal Medicine, ISBN 9781506220802, on sale September 5, 2017.