Blueprints Neurology provides students with a complete review of the key topics and concepts—perfect for clerkship rotations and the USMLE. The fourth edition includes new diagnostic and treatment information, an updated appendix of evidence-based resources, and a question bank at the end of the book.
Blueprints: Neurology
ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED READING Boustani M , Peterson B , Hanson L , et al . Screening for dementia in primary care : a summary of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive services task force . Ann Intern Med 2003 ; 138 : 927 .
This edition has been reorganized to follow the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine guidelines and includes thoroughly updated content and additional tables and figures.
Clear and concise, The Only Neurology Book You'll Ever Need provides a straightforward and comprehensive overview of neurology.
Written by residents and faculty, this series prepares you for even the most complex cases. 50 Symptom based clinical cases provide comprehensive USMLE review Built-in thought questions help you learn to diagnose using the critical thinking ...
Consult this high-yield handbook by clinical presentation, such as coma, stroke, headaches, and seizures, or by special topic, such as neuroimaging, behavioral neurology, and sleep medicine.
Wolters Kluwers is dedicated to providing quality content. This is a reprint of the Seventh Edition, corrected to address typographical errors identified by reviewers.
This new review textbook, written by residents and an experienced faculty member from Cleveland Clinic, is designed to ensure success on all sorts of standardized neurology examinations.
This book is a practical, concise alternative to existing neurology textbooks. The outline format and standard chapter template offers the reader immediate, comprehensive information.
This edition has been completely updated while maintaining its succinct, organized, and concise style. 100 USMLE-style multiple-choice questions with full explanations Key Points at the end of each chapter summarize important information ...