This book will be a quick reference tool for review of cognitive and technical knowledge and will assist students and practicing nurses to provide safe and effective healthcare.
Complete the “ Getting Ready ” steps a through g . Supplies • alcohol wipes • dual - sided stethoscope • watch with second hand Procedure STEP 5 Hold the diaphragm or bell firmly against the person's chest . 2.
This entertaining guide is now more fun, more up-to-date, and even easier to use -- an indispensable resource for nurses who want to take the stress out of dosage calculations.
Awarded first place in the 2018 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Digital Products Lippincott Clinical Experiences: Community, Public, and Population Health Nursing offers clinical experiences that consistently expose students to diverse ...
A comprehensive, introductory textbook, Fundamentals of Nursing presents basic professional concepts, clinical concepts, and clinical skills with step-by-step illustrated procedures. The text's striking, full-color visual material holds students' interest, and...
Get all the basics on drug therapies—and administer drugs confidently and accurately—with the newly updated Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy, 4th Edition.
Packed with clinical examples, proven pedagogy, striking illustrations and online learning tools, this best-selling text takes a holistic approach as it distills the fundamentals that nursing students need to know to respond today's ...
Nursing's agenda for the future: A call to the nation. Arnold, L., Bakhtina, I., Brooks, A.M., Coulter, S., Hurt, L., Lewis, C., et al. (1998). ... *Arnold, L., Drenkard, K., Ela, S., Goedken, J., Hamilton, ...
... caloric requirements because of metabolism 2) Ascites and pressure on the stomach make it difficult to eat 3) Enteral or PM may be needed to provide adequate caloric requirements BIBLIOGRAPHY Betz, C. L., & Snowden, L. A. (Eds.).
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