Healthcare, health research, and improved health outcomes are of international interest and efforts to achieve better health for the global community have been high on the agenda for some years. Calls to improve strategies for international linkages, particularly between developed and developing or low-income economies, are not new, but there is currently no model for how to effectively achieve this.
This book is the first to provide an aerial view, as well as detailed information, on ‘how’ activities in translational medicine are under development in countries such as the USA, China, the UK, and Taiwan.
This is one of the first collections of papers describing how clinical and translational science researchers are defining and implementing new research practices, and the successes and challenges involved.
As time went on different international models of research management were introduced to China, ... has been adopted by China's leading medical institutions as their basic organizational human infrastructure for biomedical research.
Polymeric. Nanoparticle. as. an. Effective. Oral. Nanotherapeutics. for. Inflammatory. Bowel. Disease ... Toxicity evaluation on zebrafish embryos showed that TEMPOL induces severe mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to the dead of all ...
published: 04 March 2020 doi:10.3389/fmed.2020.00069 Editorial: The Silent Cry: How to Turn Translational Medicine Towards Patients and Unmet Medical Needs Manuela Battaglia1*, Salvatore Albani2, Berent Prakken3 and Norman D. Rosenblum ...
With a focus on global interdisciplinary academic collaboration, the series aims to expedite the translation of scientific discovery into new or improved standards of management and health outcomes practice.
Composition of the pericellular matrix modulates the deformation behaviour of chondrocytes in articular cartilage under ... Stem cell applications and tissue engineering approaches in orthopaedic surgery and musculoskeletal medicine.
Contemporary device epidemiology will be able to mobilize the advances of translational health research sciences through new ... Collaborative research efforts can particularly help to fill a major gap via international consortia.
Note: AFRO = Africa; AMRO-North America = Latin America and Caribbean (America not including North America); EMRO = Middle East (Eastern Mediterranean); SEARO = Southeast Asia; WPRO = Western Pacific. 4a. Hospice-palliative care ...
It also presents clinical applications and prospects. The book provides a valuable reference for researchers in nanomedicine and clinicians involved in gastric cancer and radiology.