This book seeks to demonstrate how action research can be used as a strategy to implement evidence into practice. It focuses on an action research study led by one of the authors in a medical imaging department of a large, acute teaching hospital as a case exemplar of how the approach can be used. Although the setting for this is specific and unique, the processes employed are transferable to any other healthcare setting This book is intended as an introductory guide to action research in translational health science. Included in the contents of this book is a discussion on the philosophical underpinnings of action research and methods used to conduct this type of research. An in-depth case study based on an action research project facilitated by the authors is then provided which can act as an example for healthcare professionals wishing to conduct this type of research project.
This book helps the reader to make decisions about the appropriateness of using various models and frameworks.
This book helps the reader to make decisions about the appropriateness of using various models and frameworks.
Now in its second edition, this bestselling guide presents relatable and engaging scenarios to illustrate the setting of standards, explore legal and ethical frameworks, examine auditing and benchmarking, and demonstrate how evidence is ...
the processes of successfully implementing evidence into practice – the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services framework, or PARIHS as it is commonly known. PARIHS was developed as a conceptual framework, ...
Odell, M., Victor, C. & Oliver, D., 2009, 'Nurses' role in detecting deterioration in ward patients: Systematic literature review', Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 1992–2006. ... Peterson, J., Pearce, P.F., ...
The text also addresses the practical importance of implementation science through disseminating EBPs; scaling up EBPs; sustaining EBPs; and de-implementing practices that are no longer effective.
Morrison, D. (2004). Real-world use of evidence-based treatments in community behavioral health care. Psychiatric Services, 55,485–487. Oser, C. B., Staton Tindall, M., & Leukefeld, C. G. (2006). HIV testing in corrections agencies and ...
With an emphasis on patient care and dignity, this title is the perfect guide to healthcare delivery, management and professional development. • Follows a simple structure based around systems of the body for quick access to information, ...
The importance of interpersonal skills. In F. Hallett & G. Hallett (Eds.), Transforming the role of the SENCO: Achieving the National Award for SEN Coordination (pp. 168–173). Berkshire, England: Open University Press.
Enabling implementation of evidence-based practice: A conceptual framework. Quality in Health Care, ... Using principles of diffusion of innovation to improve nursing home care. ... Using group reflection in an action research study.