Now fully revised and updated, this best-selling Blueprints title is an ideal resource for your internal medicine clerkship,USMLE review, and as a rapid reference in day-to-day patient care. Practical and concise, it includes user-friendly features such as bolded key words, ample tables and figures, and the popular Key Points boxes,with must-know clinical information. The Sixth Edition has been thoroughly updated to include new clinical guidelines and therapeutic recommendations, and includes 100 board-format questions and answers at the end of the book (plus 50 more online) for self-assessment. Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest developments in evidence-based medicine. Organized according to CDIM guidelines with updated content, tables, and figures. Emphasizes "must-know" information throughout, distilling the most important information in the end-of-chapter Key Points boxes. Chapters are consistently organized to provide high-yield content on major disorders, including epidemiology, etiology, risk factors, history, physical examination, differential diagnosis, and treatment. Includes 100 board-formatted questions and rationales for each choice, as well as 50 additional questions online.
This edition has been completely updated while maintaining its succinct, organized, and concise style. 100 USMLE-style multiple-choice questions with full explanations Key Points at the end of each chapter summarize important information ...
This edition's art program has been thoroughly updated. Each chapter in this edition ends with evidence-based references (journals) for students to do additional reading/research.
The Second Edition of Blueprints Emergency Medicine covers the essentials of emergency medicine that students need to know during their rotation and while preparing for the USMLE.
Blueprints Medicine
Guan J, Karsy M, Ducis K, et al. Surgical strategies for pediatric epilepsy. ... J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009;48:240–248. Hamilton SS, Glascoe FP. ... In: Duthie EH, Katz PR, Malone ML, eds. Practice of Geriatrics. 4th ed.
Written by residents and faculty, this series prepares you for even the most complex cases. 50 Symptom based clinical cases provide comprehensive USMLE review Built-in thought questions help you learn to diagnose using the critical thinking ...
Wolters Kluwers is dedicated to providing quality content. This is a reprint of the Seventh Edition, corrected to address typographical errors identified by reviewers.
In Sneddon's syndrome, cerebral ischemia and livedo reticularis are associated. DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION Antiphospholipid antibodies should be sought in young patients with stroke or in those with otherwise unexplained stroke, ...
This edition includes full-color dermatology and infectious disease photographs and multicolored flow diagrams of congenital heart defects. A companion Website includes a question bank and fully searchable text.
The second edition of this book will include 125 clinical vignette style questions at the end of the book. The series format is consistent for all five titles; each title presents short expositions on one of the five key clinical topics.