"This review book is based on the popular Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery - Otolaryngology, now in its fifth edition. It includes 1000 multiple choice style questions with the answers and explanations taken directly from the book. Page references are given so the reader can refer to the book at any time for further information. An online quiz bank is included with the purchase of the book for self-examination. Perfect review material for both residents taking their boards and for practitioners up for recertification"--Provided by publisher.
Spanning the breadth of the entire field, this "high-yield" book retains a "by residents, for residents" feel while also including expert content useful to accomplished physicians
This volume on non-neoplastic head and neck diseases is a broad overview of the spectrum of diseases involving the sinonasal tract, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, neck, salivary glands, and ear and temporal bone.
After a Head Injury
Thieme解剖图谱: 头部与神经系统
Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Two Cities: New York and Brooklyn the Year the Great Bridge Opened
"Tumour-related challenges and possible ways to overcome them are covered in this book, authored by three medical physicists and a clinical oncologist who explain how different radiobiological findings have led to the development of various ...
Insiders: People with Head Injuries Talk about Their Experiences of Living with Disability
Color Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery
Completely revised, this fifth edition of Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery - Otolaryngology offers the most current and useful evidence-based information available for the practicing otolaryngologist and otolaryngology resident.