Composed of more than 70 cases ranging from common to unique, the book compiles years of experience from experts in the field.
Part of the award-winning Made Incredibly Easy! Series, this fun, practical guide addresses pediatric care and childhood disorders in light of each level of child development, with a family-involved care approach.
This edition's enhanced ancillaries include online case studies, over 6,000 NCLEX®-style review questions, and numerous three-dimensional animations of key concepts in anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology.
I wonder if things didn't seem clear because it may have upset you to hear what he had to say. And now, tonight, you don't have an appetite.” (using client's experience to make connection between doctor's news and client's physiologic ...
Nursing Care Plans: Guidelines for Individualizing Patient Care
CoursePoint+ The same trusted solution, innovation and unmatched support that you have come to expect from CoursePoint+ is now enhanced with more engaging learning tools and deeper analytics to help prepare students for practice.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
This money-saving package includes the 8th edition of Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants (Soft Cover Version) - Textbook, Workbook, and Mosby's Nursing Assistant Video Skills: Student Online Version 3.0 (User Guide and Access Code).
Accompanying CD-ROM has review questions for the NCLEX examination, interactive exercises, animations, and an audio glossary.
STC Handbook