The authors consider a curve of Fredholm pairs of Lagrangian subspaces in a fixed Banach space with continuously varying weak symplectic structures. Assuming vanishing index, they obtain intrinsically a continuously varying splitting of the total Banach space into pairs of symplectic subspaces. Using such decompositions the authors define the Maslov index of the curve by symplectic reduction to the classical finite-dimensional case. The authors prove the transitivity of repeated symplectic reductions and obtain the invariance of the Maslov index under symplectic reduction while recovering all the standard properties of the Maslov index. As an application, the authors consider curves of elliptic operators which have varying principal symbol, varying maximal domain and are not necessarily of Dirac type. For this class of operator curves, the authors derive a desuspension spectral flow formula for varying well-posed boundary conditions on manifolds with boundary and obtain the splitting formula of the spectral flow on partitioned manifolds.
Measurable Selectors of PCA Multifunctions with Applications
V. P. Maslov , Operator methods , “ Nauka " , Moscow , 1973 ; English transl . , “ Mir " , Moscow , 1976 . 12. M. V. Karasev , Problems in operator methods . Operator calculus , MIEM , Moscow , 1979 . ( Russian ) 13.
The space Cq is the linear space of all convergent sequences x = (o/b) with linifc^co afc = 0. ... For the dual spaces we have the following. ... A. 2 Spaces of functions A. 2.1 The spaces C(I) 278 Banach Space Integration.
The objectives of this monograph are to present some topics from the theory of monotone operators and nonlinear semigroup theory which are directly applicable to the existence and uniqueness theory of initial-boundary-value problems for ...
The Handbook presents an overview of most aspects of modern Banach space theory and its applications. The up-to-date surveys, authored by leading research workers in the area, are written to be accessible to a wide audience.
The type of generalized analytic continuation that is relevant to model spaces is called pseudocontinuation and it was first explored by H. S. Shapiro [87,88]. In what follows, we let De := { |z| > 1 } ∪ {∞} denote the extended ...
... Emanuele Latini, and Andrew Waldron, Poincaré-Einstein Holography for Forms via Conformal Geometry in the Bulk, 2015 Tai-Ping Liu and Yanni Zeng, Shock Waves in Conservation Laws with Physical Viscosity, 2014 Gerhard Hiss, ...
Contains the proof of a noncommutative analogue of the inequality for sums of free random variables over a given von Neumann subalgebra.
... Multiple Hilbert Transforms Associated with Polynomials, 2015 R. Bruggeman, J. Lewis, and D. Zagier, Period Functions for Maass Wave Forms and Cohomology, 2015 Chih-Yun Chuang, Ting-Fang Lee, Fu-Tsun Wei, and Jing Yu, Brandt Matrices ...
... *-algebras, partial automorphisms, and a generalized Pimsner-Voiculescu ... algebraic bundles, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 74 (1997), no. 2, 417–443, DOI ... An extension of Mackey's method to Banach *-algebraic bundles, Mem. Am. Math ...