This volume is based on talks given at a conference celebrating Stanislav Molchanov's 65th birthday held in June of 2005 at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (Montreal, QC, Canada). The meeting brought together researchers working in an exceptionally wide range of topics reflecting the quality and breadth of Molchanov's past and present research accomplishments. This collection of survey and research papers gives a glance of the profound consequences of Molchanov's contributions in stochastic differential equations, spectral theory for deterministic and random operators, localization and.
This volume describes the current state of knowledge of random spatial processes, particularly those arising in physics.
7.5.1 Linear (Pearson) Correlation The basic measure for the strength of correlation between two data sets is the linear correlation coefficient ̂ρ. Correlations in two-dimensional data sets can often be simply “seen”: characteristic ...
P. R. Massopust, Fractal Functions, Fractal Surfaces, and Wavelets (Academic Press, 1994). A. Arneodo, Y. d'Aubenton-Carafa, E. Bacry, P. V. Graves, J. F. Muzy and C. Thermes, Wavelet based fractal analysis of dna sequences, Physica D, ...
The 20 papers contained in this volume span the areas of mathematical physics, dynamical systems, and probability.
The 20 papers contained in this volume span the areas of mathematical physics, dynamical systems, and probability.
This volume contains the proceedings of the CRM Workshops on Probabilistic Methods in Spectral Geometry and PDE, held from August 22–26, 2016 and Probabilistic Methods in Topology, held from November 14–18, 2016 at the Centre de ...
This volume can be used as a complementary text to courses in nonstandard analysis, and will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in both pure and applied mathematics and physics.
The emphasis of this book is upon core mathematical material and the presentation of the shortest and most accessible proofs. The book is intended for graduate students and researchers in probability and mathematical physics.
In this volume, leading experts in experimental as well as theoretical physics (both classical and quantum) and probability theory give their views on many intriguing (and still mysterious) problems regarding the probabilistic foundations ...
This volume represents the outgrowth of an ongoing workshop on stochastic analysis held in Lisbon.