Algebra: Chapter 0 is a self-contained introduction to the main topics of algebra, suitable for a first sequence on the subject at the beginning graduate or upper undergraduate level. The primary distinguishing feature of the book, compared to standard textbooks in algebra, is the early introduction of categories, used as a unifying theme in the presentation of the main topics. A second feature consists of an emphasis on homological algebra: basic notions on complexes are presented as soon as modules have been introduced, and an extensive last chapter on homological algebra can form the basis for a follow-up introductory course on the subject. Approximately 1,000 exercises both provide adequate practice to consolidate the understanding of the main body of the text and offer the opportunity to explore many other topics, including applications to number theory and algebraic geometry. This will allow instructors to adapt the textbook to their specific choice of topics and provide the independent reader with a richer exposure to algebra. Many exercises include substantial hints, and navigation of the topics is facilitated by an extensive index and by hundreds of cross-references.
From fractions to FOIL and everything in between, this guide will help you grasp the fundamental concepts you'll use in every other math class you'll ever take.
In this handy guide, you’ll also: Receive instruction and tips on how to handle basic and intermediate algebraic tasks such as factoring and equation simplification Banish math anxiety forever by developing an intuitive understanding of ...
Boyer [15, p. 279] notes that the Summa “was more influential than original,” being a summary of the main of mathematics known up to that time in “arithmetic, algebra, very elementary Euclidean geometry, and double-entry bookkeeping.
This guide is also a perfect reference for parents who need to review critical algebra concepts as they help students with homework assignments, as well as for adult learners headed back into the classroom who just need a refresher of the ...
This book provides plenty of practice and patient guidance to help you slay the math monster once and for all.
Introductory Algebra provides precollege algebra students with the essentials for understanding what algebra is, how it works, and why it useful.
This makes it possible to express the main ideas of algebra more clearly and to avoid unnecessary repetition. The book consists of two parts: The Language of Algebra and Algebra in Action.
Form and Function William G. McCallum, Eric Connally, Deborah Hughes-Hallett ... Write an expression for the total number of coins if you change your quarters into nickels and your dimes into pennies. The area, in cm2, of glass used in ...
Elementary Algebra provides precollege algebra students with the essentials for understanding what algebra is, how it works, and why it so useful.
This guide is also a perfect reference for parents who need to review critical algebra concepts as they help students with homework assignments, as well as for adult learners headed back into the classroom who just need a refresher of the ...