Sunday Morning Blended Worship Companion presents 33 medleys that combine a hymn or traditional sacred song with a contemporary favorite. It includes arrangements at the late intermediate to early advanced levels for the church pianist who needs material for preludes, offertories, postludes, and other service music. Titles: Amazing Grace with Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) * Be Thou My Vision with Center * Blessed Be Your Name with Blessed Be the Name * Breathe On Me, Breath of God with Breathe * Cornerstone with The Solid Rock * Everlasting God with A Mighty Fortress Is Our God * Firm Foundation with The Church's One Foundation * Forever Reign with Jesus Shall Reign * Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me) with One Day * Glory to God Forever with To God Be the Glory * God of Wonders with For the Beauty of the Earth * The Heart of Worship with Nothing But the Blood * Holy Is the Lord with Crown Him with Many Crowns * Holy Spirit with Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart * Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) with Praise to the Lord, the Almighty * How Can I Keep from Singing with Praise Him! Praise Him! * How Great Thou Art with How Great Is Our God * I Exalt Thee with I Surrender All * I Need Thee Every Hour with Lord, I Need You * I Will Rise with My Savior First of All * It Is Well with It Is Well with My Soul * Jesus Paid It All with Jesus Paid It All (Oh Praise the One) * Mighty to Save with Arise, My Soul, Arise * My Faith Has Found a Resting Place with Enough * No, Not One with No, Not One! * O Praise Him (All This for a King) with Rejoice, the Lord Is King * Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) with 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus * One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails) with Jesus Never Fails * Our God with How Firm a Foundation * Revelation Song with Holy, Ho
Faith, God, and Rock & Roll is a riveting guide through the many spiritual influences of my favorite artists. This is a must read for anyone who is spiritually and culturally aware.
20 To be fair, most of those whom Dean might describe as moralistic theistic deists would probably self- identify as Christians, despite appearing to lack a robust Christian identity.21 You can be both. In the eyes of the Christian ...
Gather Comprehensive with Sunday Readings
Snakes in the Lobby
Features the stories that inspired such songs as "If we are the body", "Voice of truth", "Who am I", "Lifesong", "Praise you in the storm", etc.
(Personality). 17 songs from the 2004 release by this Dove Award-winning singer/songwriter: And Your Praise Goes On * Cartoons (Live) * Clumsy * Go Light Your World * The Other Side of the Radio * Power of a Moment * Smell the Color 9 * ...
Whether playing on a college campus, in a church, a theater or anywhere in between, Chris Rice continues to captivate audiences with his poetic insight into matters of life and faith.
A CD ROM is standard but the DVD Rom is planning for the future. ... High quality printers can be purchased around $250. 10. ... This could be anything from your band's logo, to the latest publicity shot, to a recent piece of press.
Our God Reigns: Bethlehem Music Book
Music in the Air: Song & Spirituality