In the 11th Private Reed has arrived back to Easton after her harrowing kidnapping to the worst thing she can think of - Billings has been torn down. Finally, after years of controversy from the administration, the school's wealthiest female alumni have been overruled and the historical dorm is gone from Easton Academy. How will Reed and the rest of the Billings Girls handle this? Will they still be as powerful, as popular and as mean with literally no ground to stand on?
If you believe in economic freedom, you should read this book.
The Scandal of the Century is a tribute to García Márquez's dedication to the profession he believed to be "the best in the world."
. . 'Blake and Black know just when to turn up the burner to corching.' Under the Covers Book Blog
When the new teacher first arrives, Barbara immediately senses that this woman will be different from the rest of her staff-room colleagues.
Finally settling in to her new Irish home, Bostonian and pub owner Maura Donovan investigates when the local manor house gardener is murdered after a mysterious woman arrives searching for a long-lost Van Dyck painting.
A high-speed, high-stakes thriller from Ken Follett, the grand master of international action and suspense.
When her best friend Sheba Hart's love affair with an underage male student comes to light, igniting a media circus, solitary schoolteacher Barbara Covett decides to write an account of the affair in her friend's defense, in the process ...
No scandal is more threatening to the Obama administration than Operation Fast and Furious.
The Scandal of the Scandals separates myth from fact, giving us a candid portrait of Christendom with its scars and all. Prepare to be amazed at how little you really knew about Christianity.
Drawing on contemporary records newly made available to McCartney, The Teapot Dome Scandal reveals a shocking, revelatory picture of just how far-reaching the affair was, how high the stakes, and how powerful the conspirators–all told in ...