A devestating account of the inner workings of the George W. Bush administration, written with the extensive cooperation of former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill. As readers are taken to the very epicentre of government, this news-making book offers a definitive view of Bush and his closest advisers as they manage crucial domestic policies and global strategies within the most secretive White House of modern times.
The revealing, often quaintly written Tory diaries, letters, and journals which animate this fascinating book provide what is probably the most comprehensive picture of Tory acts and attitudes to date.
Peers, who had known and served with Koster, called Koster's initial testimony “almost unbelievable.”148 One investigator questioned Koster: “They [soldiers] made no statements, and to further compound the problem, there is no record of ...
Does he have the guts to turn his back on his oldest friends so he can keep clean? This riveting novel about peer pressure and core values highlights a hot-button topic.
Who can we count on? And who can count on us? These are the essential (and uncomfortable) questions loyalty poses. Loyalty and betrayal are the stuff of the great stories that move us: Agamemnon, Huck Finn, Brutus, Antigone, Judas.
Albert O. Hirschman makes a basic distinction between alternative ways of reacting to deterioration in business firms and, in general, to dissatisfaction with organizations: one, “exit,” is for the member to quit the organization or for ...
As readers are taken to the very epicentre of government, this news-making book offers a definitive view of Bush and his closest advisers as they manage crucial domestic policies and global strategies within the most secretive White House ...
Through the stories of four major employers--General Motors, General Electric, Kodak, and Coca-Cola--he shows how big businesses once took responsibility for providing their workers and retirees with an array of social benefits.
Reichheld draws upon case studies of a variety of businesses including Harley-Davidson, Dell Computer, and Enterprise Rent-A-Car to show how employee and customer loyalty promote financial success.
A Question of Loyalty plunges into the seven-week Washington trial of Gen.
Narration of a victim of the Samba Spy Scandal, in which a group of personnel of the Indian Army were imprisoned and tortured on false charges of espionage.