This volume provides the first printed critical edition of The Praise of Musicke (1586), keeping the original text intact and accompanied by an analytical commentary. Against the Puritan attacks on liturgical music, The Praise of Musicke, the first apologetic treatise on music in English, epitomizes the Renaissance defence of music in civil and religious life. While existing studies of The Praise of Musicke are limited to the question of authorship, the present volume scrutinizes its musical discourse, which recapitulates major issues in the ancient philosophy and theology of music, considering the contemporary practice of sacred and secular music. Through an interdisciplinary analysis of The Praise of Musicke, combining historical musicology with philosophical theology, this study situates the treatise and its author within the wider historical, intellectual and religious context of musical polemics and apologetics of the English Reformation, thereby appraising its significance in the history of musical theory and literature. The book throws fresh light on this substantial but neglected treatise that presents, with critical insights, the most learned discussion of music from classical antiquity to the Renaissance and Reformation era. In doing so it offers a new interpretation of the treatise, which marks a milestone in the history of musical apologetics.
The Praise of Musicke: (1586)
Latimer, hugh, 27 sermons preached by the ryght Reuerende father in god and constant matir of Iesus Christe, Maister hugh Latimer (London, 1562). Latimer, hugh, Remains of Bishop Latimer, ed. G. E. Corrie (PS, 1865).
wItt. AND. uNDerStANDINg”. It is perhaps Thomas Ravenscroft, whose career brought him into contact with the controversial musical worlds of church, theater, and London cityscape, who most succinctly summarizes the conventional division ...
The complex relationship between myths and music is here investigated.
114 Minear, Reverberating Song in Shakespeare and Milton, 34. 115 Richard Hooker, Of the Laws of Ecclesiasticall Politie: The Fift Booke (London: printed by John Windet, 1597), sig.H2r. 116 As quoted (and emphasised) by Minear, ...
This book considers the ways in which the forces of religion and belief construct and complicate the values and practices of music education—including teacher education, curriculum texts, and teaching repertoires.
54 William McMillan, The Worship of the Scottish Reformed Church, 1550–1638 (Dunfermline, 1931), p. 333. 55 Ibid., pp. 197–8, 226–7; cf. Mentzer, 'Fasting, piety and political anxiety', p. 340. 56 W.K. tweedie (ed.) ...
It is easy to see, for example, how different was the role of psalmody among the courtly context of Sternhold's first ... aiming at the replacement of secular music with psalmody (“laying apart all ungodly Songs and Ballads which tend ...
... Musicke. London, 1586. The Praise of Musicke, 1586: An Edition with Commentary. Edited by HyunAh Kim. London: Routledge, 2018. Prynne, William. Histriomastix: The Players Scourge or Actors Tragedie. 1633. Edited by Arthur Freeman. New ...
Montano, Courting the Moderates, 91. Ratts Rhimed to Death. or, the Rump-Parliament Hang'd up in the Shambles (London, 1659); The Rump, or Collection of Songs and Ballads made upon those who would be a PARLIAMENT, and where but the RUMP ...