Titled after the wartime nickname for the part of North Korea that was the epicentre of a bitter struggle for air superiority over the Korean Peninsula, MiG Alley offers an in-depth analysis of the US Air Force's war in Korea, packed with interesting and exciting personal stories based on first-person testimony from both American and Soviet sources. Following the end of the Korean War, the prevailing myth in the West was that of the absolute supremacy of US Air Force pilots and aircraft over their Soviet-supplied opponents. The claims of the 10:1 victory-loss ratio achieved by the US Air Force fighter pilots flying the North American F-86 Sabre against their communist adversaries, among other such fabrications, went unchallenged until the end of the Cold War, when Soviet records of the conflict were finally opened. Packed with first-hand accounts and covering the full range of US Air Force activities over Korea, MiG Alley brings the war vividly to life and the record is finally set straight on a number of popular fabrications. Thomas McKelvey Cleaver expertly threads together US and Russian sources to reveal the complete story of this bitter struggle in the Eastern skies.
For a carnivore there is nothing more satisfying than a pink and succulent T-bone steak, the sizzle of well-seasoned chicken on a barbecue, or a serve of crispy, roast pork...
This is the story of the first jet versus jet war, the largest in number of victories and losses, and one of the few military bright spots in the Korean War.
A major focus of this work is Foster's Air Force career in the Korean War where he was one of the highest-scoring aces of the air war. His record of nine MiGs destroyed places him twelfth on a list of 38 aces.
Mig Alley
An outstanding feature of this book is that it provides a day-by-day running account of MiG versus Sabre air battles and a detailed record of the fate of each and every SabreJet that served in Korea This information cannot be found in any ...
This book is filled with personal recollections from the pilots that flew the F-86 - many are so vivid that you feel you are in the cockpit with them.
As the routed North Korean People's Army (NKPA) withdrew into the mountainous reaches of their country and the People's Republic of China (PRC) funneled in its massive infantry formations in preparation for a momentous counter-offensive, ...
The fight for air superiority began the day the Korean War started and only ended with the armistice three years later.
Once he landed, Lieutenant No found that his mother had escaped to the South two years earlier, and they were soon reunited. At his request, No came to the United States and became a U.S. citizen.
On this day, Soviet records indicate a total of 11 F-80 and F-84 fighter-bombers were downed, without any losses on the Soviet side. ... and both pilots – Lieutenant Louis R. Miller and 1st Lieutenant Henry D. Wolz were taken prisoner.