This is the first single volume guide ever devoted to the eastern Asian avifauna. The eastern Asian region, centring especially on the major islands off the continental coast (including Japan and Taiwan) and the immediately adjacent areas of the Asian continent from Kamchatka in the north and including the Korean Peninsula are an important centre of endemism. Birds endemic to this region include representatives of many of the major families, from the world's largest eagle - Steller's Sea Eagle - to the tiny Formosan Firecrest. The east Asian continental coast and the offshore islands also form one of the world's major international bird migration routes, especially for waterfowl, shorebirds and raptors, while the east Asian continental mainland itself is home to a wide range of species little known to western ornithologists such as Scaly-sided Merganser, Oriental Stork and Mugimaki Flycatcher. The guide features the most up-to-date text available, which, in conjunction with extensive colour plates throughout, facilitates the field identification of all of the species known from the region. Colour distribution maps enhance the text by providing a visual analysis of the summer, winter and migratory ranges of all species.
This concise, updated edition of Craig Robson's A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia, is the most comprehensive compact guide to the region.
South-East Asia is one of the richest parts of the world in terms of reptiles. The first comprehensive guide to the reptiles of this region, "A Field Guide to the...
This beautiful book is a must-have for anyone interested in the birds of Asia.
The accompanying text concentrates on the specific characteristics and appearance of each species that allow identification in the field, including voice and distribution maps."
Very similar to Eurasian Reed and Marsh Warblers, but has shorter primary projection with fewer primary-tips visible. Thus, wing-structure is more similar to Large-billed Reed, Blunt-winged and Paddyfield Warblers; see those species for ...
Voice Similar to that of Long-tailed Macaque, M. fascicularis, but more squealing and less harsh. Similar species Assamese Macaque, M. assamensis, ... Gibbons are slender, totally arboreal primates that rarely descend to the ground.
MW4 B?W3-4 (+)(I)V* BM4 Pied Falconet RB4 Sacred Ibis |B3 Lesser Kestrel BM3 V*** ?? ... RB4W3 RB4W2 RB2 Chinese Pond Heron RBM2 M3 B4M3 M3 B3 Bald Eagle V*** Eastern Cattle Egret RBMI BMIWI BM2-3W4 BM2W3 M4 SteIIer's Sea Eagle W4 ??
Included are the birds of Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Indochina, as well as those found in South China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. This book covers 668 species and contains more than 700 colour photographs.
This book, with its meticulous colour artworks and maps for almost 1,000 species, continues to be an invaluable guide for English and Thai-speaking bird enthusiasts who require details on the identification, voice, breeding, status, habitat ...
Catalogue of reptiles inhabiting the Malayan Peninsula and islands, collected or observed by Theodore Cantor, Esq., ... A Photographic Guide to Snakes and Other Reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.