For those of you involved in Marriage and Family Life, Religious Education, and Adult Faith Formation ministries, we invite you to include this new edition of Thriving Marriages in your curriculum and ministries as well as our different ...
Welcome to the wilds of Montana, where humor, romance, and suspense ride the range.
Feldhahn has identified twelve powerful habits that the happiest marriages have in common. These little, unexpected, often overlooked actions can make a huge difference in your relationship!
The subject of marriage is a timely subject.
This book is the culmination of his life's work: the seven principles that guide couples on the path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship.
Around the corner, in Cheyne Row, Thomas Carlyle had been living without his wife for fourteen years. She too had died suddenly, not many months after Gavan Duffy came to call and they gossiped about George Eliot. Thomas Carlyle was now ...
This collection of theoretical essays and personal stories is not just about "Boston marriages," a term referring to two women in a nonsexual but nonetheless deeply committed relationship.
But it is quite possible that though the desire for children does not play such an important part in the thoughts of men as it does with most women, nevertheless, as Popenoe observes, "the number of men to whom this aspect of marriage ...
My appreciation goes to Susan K. Golant, the book's midwife, who spent many laborious hours poring over every word after the book had been initially composed. Her intelligence and perceptiveness opened my eyes to aspects of the work ...
The Mathematics of Marriage provides the foundation for a scientific theory of marital relations. The book does not rely on metaphors, but develops and applies a mathematical model using difference equations.