Susie H. Vanhuss, Connie M. Forde, Donna L. Woo, Vicki Robertson. Lesson 4 Left shift, H, t, period LEsson 4 LEft sHIft, H, t, pERIod moduLE 1 4e t and . (period) t Reach up with left. Warmup Lesson 4a Warmup home row 1 e/i/n 2 all ...
This market-leading text provides the tools you need to develop expertise in keyboarding, document formatting, and word processing skills using Microsoft Word 2013.
This comprehensive text combines all of the lessons and learning tools you will need for your course within a space-saving easel-back format.
Perfect for an introductory word processing course, this text also includes capstone projects that reinforce lesson concepts.
Documents for Keyboarding and Word Processing
Bndl: Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials Lessons 1-5
This text provides the tools for improving speed and accuracy in keyboarding skills, and in the use of Microsoft Word 2002.
Keyboarding & Word Processing 17e: Microsoft Word 2002 : Lessons 1-60
College Keyboarding: Keyboarding and Word Processing : Microsoft Word 2002
Mastering Keyboarding and Word Processing: An Applied Approach to Letters and Memos