This gripping book tells the remarkable story of Germany's special forces military, naval and aerial during the Second World War. Although capable of stunning achievements against all the odds, the absence of proper coordination and planning resulted in a lost opportunity for Germany. Units were raised ad hoc, as an increasingly desperate response to Germany's ever-weakening position and the growing strength of the Allies. At sea, flotillas of manned torpedoes and explosive motor boats were introduced. In the air, the world's first operational jet planes were grouped into special squadrons in an effort to cripple the US air offensive. On the ground, battalions of over-age men set out on foot or on bicycles towards Berlin to protect the city from the Soviet Army's tank armadas. In other parts of Germany the Werewolf was recruiting and training young people to carry out partisan warfare. Then there were the children of the Hitler Youth, some not even in their 'teens, who committed acts of sabotage against military installations and attacked British and Americans soldiers.Packed with useful detail and incisive analysis, this is one of the fullest and most accessible accounts of Germany's special forces and their efforts to stave off impending military defeat.
This book describes the "Union" munition factory in Auschwitz through the eyes of 36 former prisoners. Unlike arbitrarily collected testimony, these stories are actual eyewitness accounts of persons who worked...
Kommando: German Special Forces of World War II
Recounts the activities of special German military units during World War II, including the SD, sabateurs, the Abwehr, the navy K-men, and special suicide units
Charles Whiting, who interviewed many of the survivors, gives a vivid account of these men and their war.
England, 1944: Die letzten Vorbereitungen für Operation Overlord sollen von Feldwebel Clague auf Zelluloid gebannt werden.
Star Wars - Das letzte Kommando
Die Gespensterstaffel gegen die Schergen der "Eisenfaust"!
Lt. Leary: Das Cinnabar-Kommando : ein Lt.-Leary-Roman
Bomb Queen 04: Bd. 4: Sexmord-Kommando
Im November 2017 erscheint bei Electronic Arts die Fortsetzung des Mega- Blockbuster-Games Star Wars: Battlefront.