Applying values and ethics to social work practice is taught widely across the qualifying degree programme, on both Masters and BA courses. This book is a clear introduction to this subject and will help students develop their understanding by showing social work students how ethics can have positive impacts on the lives of vulnerable people. There are chapters on how social workers can make good ethical and value-based decisions when working with risk, and how the role of the social worker as professional can impact on service users. Above all the book is a timely and clear introduction to the subject, with an emphasis on advocacy and empowerment and how the beginning social worker can start to apply these concepts.
Wills: An ethical responsibility. The Family Journal, 24(3), 283–285. ... Philosophy & Social Criticism, 42(10), 965–970é Bruner, M., Boardley, I., Allan, V., Forrest, C., Root, Z., & Côté, J. (2017). Understanding social identity and ...
David Lewis, an engineer with Network Rail, broke down in tears at the hearing when he admitted that he had forgotten to check the points in question. However, it emerged that Mr Lewis had repeatedly warned the company that shortage of ...
A comprehensive introduction to ethical decision making with practical guidance regarding professional misconduct.
Thompson's ( 2001 ) PCS model may be helpful here . The model offers a straightforward frame for looking at how inequalities and discrimination manifest and perpetuate themselves in ' the social circumstances of clients , and in the ...
A case-driven, concise, and comprehensive textbook for undergraduate and graduate social work programs, this book surveys the most critical issues for social work practitioners.
This thoroughly revised edition of a modern social work classic textbook from a leading international author, offers a clear and systematic account of professional ethics in relation to social work practice, framed within a global context, ...
This groundbreaking book examines the ways in which questions of culture and diversity impact on the values and ethics of social work.
experience, while also maintaining awareness of what the self is experiencing (Gerdes & Segal, 2011). Emotion regulation refers to the ability to manage one's emotional responses. For example, when a client describes discriminatory ...
Graham, M. (2007a) The ethics of care, black women and the social professions: implications of a new analysis, Ethics and Social Welfare, 1 (2): 1194–1207. Graham, M. (2007b) Black Issues in Social Work and Social Care.
This key text examines ethical concerns arising at different stages of professional development in social work and offers guidelines to overcoming them.