Flora of Turkey, Volume 6
Flora of Turkey, Volume 6
Sarikamiş , 20 vi 1910 , T. Roop ! var . pinnatus P. H. Davis , Fl . Turkey 3 : 599 ( Addenda ) . Map 70 , p . 339 . Type : Turkey B9 Ağri : 2 km SW of Hamur ( Murat valley ) , sloping meadows , 1670 m , Davis 44059 ( holo . E ! ) .
... 1908 , Roop . B4 Konya : Murad su , Andrasovszky 263 . Europe , Caucasia , N.W. Africa . Dubiously recorded from Istanbul . Not mapped by Grossheim from Kars or Çoruh , though occurring [ 191 ] 13. Ranunculus.
Type : [ Turkey A9 Kars ] in provincia Kars prope pagum Czelghaury ( nr Göle ) , vii 1909 , T. Roop 12 ( holo . KW ? ) . Endemic . Known only from the type , which has not been seen . Ir . - Tur . element . Sect , Schoenoprasum Dumort .
Kaghyzman , ad rivulum in decliviis montis Kesza - czi , 31 vii 1910 , T. Roop ( LE ! N.E. & adjacent E. Anatolia . B7 Erzincan : Refahiye , Dumanli Ormani , Yildirim ( ISTO 5758 ) !
... description does not clearly match any of the currently recognised species . N. roopiana Bordz , in Mem . Soc . Nat . Kiev 25 : 107 ( 1915 ) . Described from Kars ( prope pagum Jeni - Koj ) , based on two specimens collected by Roop ...
Maimekh , T. Roop ; [ Turkey A9 Kars ] mt . Saghanlug , T. Roop ; d . Kaghyzman ( Kağizman ) , mt . Kecza - czi , T. Roop . N.E. Anatolia . A7 Gümüşane : above Artabir ( Ertabil ) , Sint . 1894 : 7228 ( type of I. aromatica ) ! Kop Da .
In: Davis PH (ed) Flora of Turkey, vol 6. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp 190–193 Pritchard NM, Tutin TG (1972) Gentianella Moech. In: Tutin TG, Heywood VH, Burges NA, Moore DM, Valentine DH, Walters SM, Webb DA (eds) Flora ...
Flora of Turkey, Volume 5
Plants apparently intermediate between this species and A. cucubaloides have been collected by Roop near Sarikamiş ( A9 Kars ) and on Yağmurlu Da , in the same area by Davis & Hedge ( D. 30764 ) . They have been named respectively as A.