Troublemakers is a provocative argument from prominent environmentalist Kevin Dunion for a sustained challenge to environmental injustice in Scotland.Pollution, disturbance and fears of ill health affect the daily life of many Scots, particularly from the most disadvantaged or vulnerable groups in society. They are expected to put up with unnecessary risk and a lower quality of life. Groups who attempt to speak up in defence of their communities are often marginalised by government, industry and regulatory bodies. They find themselves branded as 'troublemakers'.This book, a unique insight into the nature of environmental campaigning in Scotland, draws on international as well as Scottish case studies and covers:*The failure to make the polluter pay.*Community attitudes to risk and loss of trust in scientists.*The response of companies and authorities to challenge.*Conflicts over jobs versus the environment.Troublemakers advocates a new perspective on Scotland's environment and urges us to move towards environmental justice for all.Key Features*Author is a prominent environmentalist - former Chief Executive of Friends of the Earth Scotland and previous Chairman of FoE International-*Polemical - argues for a new perspective which will create environmental justice for all-*Uses case studies of environmental campaigns to illustrate key points-*Defends the role of troublemakers as catalysts for real challenge to authorities and bringing about change-*Puts Scotland into international context, comparing its environmental record with the rest of the UK, Europe and the US-
Both urgent and timely, this paradigm-shifting book challenges our typical expectations for young children and with principled affection reveals how these demands—despite good intentions—work to undermine the pursuit of a free and just ...
Troublemakers is the gripping tale of seven exceptional men and women, pioneers of Silicon Valley in the 1970s and early 1980s.
An illustrated children's storybook featuring people of faith who rocked the religious boat on behalf of love and justice.
It is to recognize that the things we must do are more significant than our fears. This book is about how to live boldly in spite of all the reasons we have to cower. Let's go!
In In Defense of Troublemakers, psychologist Charlan Nemeth argues that this principle is completely wrong: left unchallenged, the majority opinion is often biased, unoriginal, or false.
Horrible, Token), Troublemaker brings ultimate adventure set in sun-filled Miami! • Janet Evanovich, the New York Times number-one best-selling author, brings her hit Barnaby series to Dark Horse Comics! • The entire Troublemaker story ...
Public Accounts Committee (2014) Programmes to help families facing multiple challenges: Fifty-first Report of Session 2013–14 (HC 668), House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts, London: The Stationery Office.
When she was three, Alena's activist mother died.
When his older brother gets in serious trouble, sixth-grader Clay decides to change his own mischief-making ways, but he cannot seem to shake his reputation as a troublemaker.
Bestselling author Reverend Al Sharpton brings to light the stories of the unsung heroes of the Civil Rights movement, drawing on his unique perspective in the history of the fight for social justice in America “This is the time.