This volume tests the claim that, as combinations of Civil and Common Law influences, the mixed systems of contract law in Scotland and South Africa have anticipated the content of the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) concluded and published in 2003 by the unofficial Commission on European Contract Law. Going further, it rigorously explores what the implications of a Europe-wide contract law would be. The current official moves towards a European contract law within the European Union make the critiques of PECL in this volume especially urgent and significant. With a European contract law nearer to reality than ever before, mere policy critiques are no longer enough. This book provides the essential technical and substantive assessments of PECL from the perspective of Scots and South African contract lawyers, and is offered to the European debate without prejudice as to the deeper policy questions. At the same time, this volume will inform Scots and South African lawyers about the substance of international developments in the field, and suggest ways to develop their still vigorous and vital national laws to remain in step with the needs of the present day.
Contemporary cases which continue to shape contract law have been included in this new edition, while historically important cases have been retained to ensure students have a full picture of the law of contract as it stands today.
Contract Law: Principles, Cases and Legislation
Contract Law: Principles, Cases and Legislation
R. 655 ; Doe, d. Fisher v. Giles, 5 Bing. R. 421. • Doe, d. Fisher v. Giles, 5 Bing. R. 421 ; Doe, d. Garrod v. Olley, 12 Adolph. &EU.R.481. 6 Keech v. Hall, 1 Doug. R. 22. 7 Thunder, dem. Weaver v. Belcher, 3 East, R. 449. » Keech v.
More accessible but less full are Sir William Evans's remarks on the civilian background in his essay on the action for money had and received which is reprinted in [ 1998 ] Restitution L Rev 1 , 4-5 . 7 Text to n .
Revisão dos contratos: elementos para sua construção dogmática
This latest edition maintains and builds upon the exemplary standards set by its predecessors. The fourth edition includes many new and significant cases.
Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract
Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract