Originally named The Collins Hotel (Mrs. E.F. Collins, Proprietor), the establishment changed hands several times in its first decade of operation. The building became known as the New Collins Hotel around the turn of the century, ...
A single issue of Life magazine with photographs of some of the world's most haunted places in the world including The Queen Mary, the Tower of London and the Amityville horror house.
Life Magazine presents The World's Most Haunted Places.
"Describes paranormal activity at haunted locations, and relates stories of places where such activity has been reported"--Provided by publisher.
From Edinburgh Castle to the White House, haunted tales of ghosts and paranormal activity are popular throughout the world. Introduce young readers to these famous locations and the spirits that are said to haunt them.
Boasting photographs, fun facts, and visitor information, this unique (and spooky) travel guide showcases the 15 most haunted places in America.
Everyone seems to know of at least one haunted house; as kids there was almost certainly one in our own neighborhood.
"Describes various haunted places in a top-ten format"--Provided by publisher.
STURTIVANT HALL The ghost of John McGee Parkman haunts this beautiful neoclassic mansion. The whitecolumned house was built in 1852, but Parkman only lived there from 1864 to 1866. At the time, he was president of the First National ...
Welcome to a tour of the most spine-chiling places from around the world. Prepare for the frightful as this book looks past rusty iron gates and through creaking old doors.