Victory Starts Here is the history of the US Army Training and Doctrine Command's (TRADOC's) 35 years as the architect of the Army's future. During the first years of the 21st century, "Transformation" became a new buzzword for the Army changing from the Cold War era to a new conti¬nental United States (CONUS) based rapidly deployable Army. TRADOC, however, has been transforming the Army and itself since its establishment in July 1973. Created to solve the cumbersome command and control prob¬lems of the Continental Army Command (CONARC), TRADOC's mis¬sion charter was to oversee Army schools, training, doctrine, and combat developments. Through time those missions evolved and TRADOC also became responsible for preparing the Army for war and being the Army's "architect of the future." TRADOC's first commander, General William E. DePuy, understood that the Army required sound training, coherent orga¬nization, modern weapons systems, and relevant doctrine. His successors built on that foundation and addressed the need for future planning. This brief history provides an overview of the first 35 years of TRADOC's service to the Army and to the nation. Combat Studies Institute.