Chronicles of Demonic Evil Book 3: Confrontations with the Devil

Robert Pelton


Countless men of God have experienced firsthand the horror of a rebellious devil clinging to the human being it has chosen for a home. These ministers are not shocked or surprised at the bizarre descriptions in the currently popular exorcism stories. They have seen it all. They have heard male voices utter verbal filth from female mouths. They have seen blood and vomit follow the expulsion of a struggling demon. They know devils are here! Listen to the preachers, teachers, evangelists, theologians, and faith-filled Christians who actually exorcise demonic spirits, tell how they do it. The methods they employ and the words they use are many and varied. But their reason for doing it is singular. Mark 16 spells it out clearly: "In My Name Shall They Cast Out Devils." "I was in our big tent one night in a certain city. "We were having a night when it seemed like every third person was demon-possessed. "It's like that in the ministry. "There'll be none, and then the night comes when it seems like the whole demon world erupts. "I urged the crowd, touch the chair in front of you as though you were touching the person. " "Pray for the person. "Pray with me. "Fill this room with your faith. "When the demons came out of one person I had prayed for, all of a sudden over to my right, at the edge of the tent, a man let out a bloodcurdling yell and ran. "The demon had struck him and had entered him. "The police ran after him, caught him, and brought him back. "We then prayed for him and were able to help him. "I don't want to overdramatize what I'm saying, but if I say any less, I'm not telling it like it is." This is but one of the many Satanic confrontations experienced in the long evangelistic ministry of Oral Roberts. This man as well as a multitude of others have fearlessly met the devil head on. They each claim victory after victory for their Jesus. Confrontations with the Devil includes such unusual cases as the little girl in Manila who was viciously bitten by devils. She cursed God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the blood of Jesus and missionary Lester Sumrall, the exorcist, in English. After she was back to normal it was discovered she could not speak a word of English. You'll read of the possessed woman who was mysteriously suspended in midair between the preacher and a crowd of 14,000 people during a crusade. Confrontations with the Devil reveals firsthand experiences of unbelievable demon battles taking place in today's modern world. Roberts, Lowery, Pedigo, Sumrall and many others tell their stories. Each believes that the devil and his demons know all who really belong to God. And they feel that these evil spiritual forces fear any person who exercises the God-given power to cast them out. Paul Harvey once stated: "Demonic possession of humans is not something Hollywood invented. It is quite as old as the Old Testament. "Jesus exorcised demons. "Clergymen of the 1970s, Catholic and Protestant, can relate experiences very similar to those chronicled in the book and shown with such ghastly realism in the movie. Frequently in their counseling, clergymen experience supernatural manifestations, which they are reticent to discuss from the pulpit." Renowned Evangelist Billy Graham said: "Do not make any mistake about it. There are demons as well as unseen angels, and that unseen world exists." Pope Paul VI declared: "We know that this dark and disturbing spirit really exists, and that he still acts with treacherous cunning."

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