Do you struggle to understand why trials and suffering occur in life? Do you sometimes question God's love and fear giving Him complete control of your life? Do you have a small group that would benefit from looking at these questions? If so this Leader's Discussion Guide to the Christian classic, Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard, will help answer these questions while at the same time, it will increase your capacity to see God as He really is in the midst of struggles. In this Leader's Guide, Christine Moon and Barbara Moon have compiled probing questions that will make it easy for you to encourage your small group and help you mine the depths of Much Afraid's journey to the High Places. The guide is designed so that only the leader will need one, but there is an accompanying workbook for group members. Each person will need a copy of Hind's Feet on High Places. May your own journey be enriched as you follow Much Afraid and her journey with the Shepherd.