Sinee the publieation of the First Edition of Dynamie Radiology of the Abdomen: Normal and Pathologie Anatomy six years ago, literally hundreds ofseientifie articles in the literature have attested to its basic insights in the understanding and clinieal diagnosis ofa speetrum ofintraabdominal diseases. Based on radiologie correlations with anatomieand pathologie features, the observations have proven readily applieable and highly accurate by ultrasonography and particularly com puted tomography (CT) . This edition is designed to provide a eomprehensiveupdateofthese prineiples and their clinieal applieations, to include not only plain films and eonventional contrast studies, but also ultrasonography and CT. To aeeomplish these ends, some seetions have been eompletely rewritten and new seetions and ehapters have been added. Over 503 illustrations have been added, many of them CT images. The atlas of anatomie cross-sections in color has been retained, and these as weIl as all CT images are now oriented aeeording to the eonvention generally adopted shortly after the First Edition was published, i. e., as if viewed from below with the subjects's right to the viewer's left. While a few of the CT illustrations are not of the highest quality, the reader will understand that they havebeen earefullyseleeted for the particularabnormality they demonstrate. The rcferenees have been updated to eite not only classie articles, but seleetions from the literature through 1981. Partieular appreeiation is expressed to the following for their cooperation: james L. Clements, jr., M.D., jaek Farman, M.D., Gary Ghahremani, M.D.
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This new edition of a popular book remains the standard for all general surgeons and surgeons in training. It has been completely revised, expanding its focus on operative procedures and...
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本书对包括食管疾病在内的常见腹部炎症性,功能性及肿瘤性外科疾病的发病特点,诊断方法和外科治疗原则进行了总结,特别对手术策略 ...
Radiología dinámica del abdomen: anatomía normal y patológica
Intra-Abdominal Infections: The Role of Piperacillin/Tazobactam
... 303-273-2900 fax: 303-273-2901 FIRST EDITION ISBN 0-9720184-0-9 Designed by Craig Korn Photography by Dennis Lane, David Haskell, and Kal Yee Printed in the USA To your health Building a great body is not easy.