This book is intended as a practical handbook for those engaged in the task of analyzing the paleogeographic evolution of ancient sedimentary basins. The science of stratigraphy and sedimentology is central to such endeavors, but although several excellent textbooks on sedimentology have appeared in recent years little has been written about modern stratigraphic methods. Sedimentology textbooks tend to take a theoretical approach, building from physical and chemical theory and studies of mod ern environments. It is commonly difficult to apply this information to practical problems in ancient rocks, and very little guidance is given on methods of observation, mapping and interpretation. In this book theory is downplayed and the emphasis is on what a geologist can actually see in outcrops, well records, and cores, and what can be ob tained using geophysical techniques. A new approach is taken to stratigraphy, which attempts to explain the genesis of lithostratigraphic units and to de-emphasize the importance of formal description and nam ing. There are also sections explaining principles of facies analysis, basin mapping methods, depositional systems, and the study of basin thermal history, so important to the genesis of fuels and minerals. Lastly, an at tempt is made to tie everything together by considering basins in the con text of plate tectonics and eustatic sea level changes.
A user-friendly, thorough introduction to quantitative modelling of sedimentary basins, illustrated throughout with real-world examples, applications and test exercises.
A user-friendly, thorough introduction to quantitative modelling of sedimentary basins, illustrated throughout with real-world examples, applications and test exercises.
Kusznir, N.J., Marsden, G. and Egan, SS. (1991) A flexural-cantilever simple-shearlpureshear model of continental lithosphere extension: applications to the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, Grand Banks and Viking Graben, North Sea.
The book is designed to reach an audience of senior undergraduate and graduate students and interested academic and industry professionals.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to techniques for quantitative subsidence analysis and visualization with example applications.
3.20 Till types related to their position in the glacier (from Hambrey & Alean 1992, p. 98). (Reproduced with permission of Cambridge University Press.) Fig. 3.21 (a) Flow tills at a glacier terminus; (b) Quaternary lodgement till, ...
The series attempts to deal with sub jects that are in the forefront of both scientific and economic interest.
The text and fi gures are designed to be accessible to anyone completely new to the subject. COMPANION CD-ROM A companion CD-ROM with additional illustrative material prepared by the author is included with this book.
This book is devoted to the mechanisms of sedimentary basin formation on active plate margins, which show enormous diversity reflecting complex tectonic processes.
The book explains the points of agreement and difference between the various approaches to sequence stratigraphy, while also defining the common ground that affords the standard application of the method.