Death comes for us all, and the desire to ease into that death is as ancient as humankind. The idea that sometimes it is better to die quickly and in control of that death--rather than linger in pain and misery once impending death is certain--has troubled yet comforted humankind. In Doctor, Please Help Me Die, author Tom Preston, MD, presents a thorough overview and discussion of end-of-life issues and physician-assisted death in America. Doctor, Please Help Me Die traces the history of patients seeking relief from suffering at the end of life and discusses how cultural and professional customs have inhibited many doctors from helping their patients at the end. Preston shows how most doctors fail their patients by not discussing dying with them and by refusing to consider legal physician aid in dying--ultimately deceiving the public in their refusal to help patients die. He discusses the religious, political, and legal battles in this part of the culture war and gives advice to patients on how to gain peaceful dying. Preston presents a strong argument for why every citizen who is dying ought to be extended an inalienable right to die peacefully, and why every physician has an ethical obligation to assist patients who want to exercise this right safely, securely, and painlessly.
Indeed , Justice Scalia reacted strongly to Justice Brennan's dissent in Cruzan , where his colleague had proclaimed that “ The State has no legitimate general interest in someone's life completely abstracted from the interest of the ...
Presents an examination of the issues and of current practices and law relating to assisted suicide and euthanasia in Ontario.
14 Maggie Gallagher , “ Is it a Right to Die or a Right to Kill ? ” Universal Press Syndicate , March 1996 . 15 The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the American Medical Association . Also stated in the American College of ...
21 Back AL, Wallance JI, Starks HE et al. Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in Washington State. Patient requests and physician responses. JAMA. 1996; 275: 919–25. 22 Wilson KG, Curran D, McPherson CJ.
Sullivan , Amy D. , Katrina Hedberg , and David Hopkins . 2001. Legalized PhysicianAssisted Suicide in Oregon , 1998–2000 . New England Journal of Medicine 344 ( 8 ) : 605-7 . Suo , Steve . 1995. House OK's Bareheaded Bikers .
Report of the Select Committee on Medical Ethics
J.K. Mason and D. Mulligan propose that euthanasia be introduced by stages . 62 It should be made available first , they say , for people suffering from specific conditions.63 The two conditions they suggest are permanent vegetative ...
Dr. Linda Emanuel--one of America's most influential medical ethicists--has assembled leading experts to provide not only a clear account of the arguments for and against physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia but also historical, ...
Enjeux éthiques liés au don d'organes en contexte d'aide médicale à mourir: supplément à l'avis sur le don et la...
Examines the use of euthanasia and assisted suicide that has been in common practice in the Netherlands for more than twenty years, and explores the implications for patients, their families, and medical practitioners