“Self-Perpetuated Drama Syndrome is” the unnecessary, self-inflicted, daily stress that seems to happen in your life. SPDS affects a lot of women, no matter their age, race, religion, financial status, or geographical backgrounds. The “need” to have drama seems to be a gender-specific issue, yet SPDS has negative effects on both genders. Women (more than men) tend to inflict their SPDS on others without realizing that they have a problem in the first place. There are older, wiser, more mature women in the world who have found the “trick” to living a DRAMA-FREE life. Ms. Norman views herself as one of these women, and has written this guide to help you first identify if you have SPDS, and secondly, show you how to conquer it. Ms. Norman, a self-proclaimed “people-ologist”, has been able to draw from her own experiences with SPDS and give valuable advice on how to cure it, by teaching you the symptoms, giving clear examples of situations in her own life with SPDS that may be familiar to you, and then showing you how to alleviate the drama. Do you have at least one argument daily? See Chapter 1-“Grow The-----Up!” Do you still live at home with your parents, but can’t stop arguing with them? Chapter 5- “You’re Grown So Buy Your Own!” teaches you how to appreciate your situation and bring peace to a potentially drama-filled experience. Ms. Norman interviewed hundreds of people who identified with having SPDS. She came up with ten common issues concerning daily, self-inflicted stress that seem to be the “cause” of the drama women suffer. Her humorously candid portrayal of her own SPDS will cause you to think about why SPDS is considered the “norm” in today’s society, like lying about your age (chapter 1) and in-appropriate behavior associated with your fashion choices (chapter 2-What The -----Are You Wearing). Ms. Norman also speaks about two topics that are considered “taboo”- Chapter 9-“You’re A Women So You Can’t be The Daddy” deals with lesbians and the effects of gender identity issues on children and Chapter 10-“What He Really Thinks” addresses the effects of SPDS on men. SPDS is a very real ailment and there are easy, drama-free solutions to “cure” it. Ms. Norman hopes to shed light on this subject and give a much needed view on the “silent killer” of peaceful living! Her advice is for women to “Grow The ----- UP!”
—Mary Timberlake Having a Higher Power who is here to help us is the most important gift of this recovery program. Perhaps for the first time in our lives ...
Venti - sized gratitude to the amazing powerhouse behind this book : Emily Timberlake , Rebecca Gradinger , Lisa Westmoreland , Betsy Stromberg , Kara Van ...
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Removing Character Defects - Steps Six and Seven Bill P., Todd W., Sara S. ... Because anger stems from fear, if I identify the fear, I can deal with the ...
373 DiChristopher, Tom, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal would reshape ... TechnologyReview.com, May 24, 2018. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/ ...
Emily S. Rueb, “Voting by Phone Gets a Big Test, but There Are Concerns,” The New ... Mike Rispoli, “Why the Civic Info Consortium is Such a Huge Deal,” ...
In answer to your request, here's a story of a Lyft driver named Todd who ... deal. I love Lyft and use it all the time. One reason it works so well is that ...
Lewis Timberlake's insights on more than 50 topics will help you to turn your life around...one day at a time. There are 217 reflections in this book.
This is a very powerful novel of consistently over coming adversities and insurmountable odds on many different levels a person could face at many phases of life, this author takes you on a very exiting sometimes tough, sometimes smooth ...
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