North Carolina did more than its part during World War II. This Southern state trained more troops than any other state in the nation. Can one still find the military posts and shipyards, the cemeteries and memorials, the convalescent units and R&R facilities today? This volume describes in detail both the state's 20-plus military sites and the eight little-known North Carolina prisoner of war camps. Images and memories tell the story of service personnel and their families who contributed to the war effort at much personal sacrifice. The book reminds readers of how those Carolinians who remained behind did their part through supporting the troops, rationing, salvaging metals, growing Victory Gardens and purchasing War Bonds.
Images of America: Asheville and Western North Carolina in World War II tells their stories, from Pearl Harbor's bombing to the study of the long-term effects of radiation on the Japanese, from the far Pacific to stateside support groups ...
This book contains the story of the long-time planning for a system of manpower procurement for the armed services; the account of the manner in which officials attacked the problem;...
... Buncombe Bob , p . 193 . 11. Moss , The Rise of Modern America , pp . 297–299 . 12. Dew , The Queen City at War , pp . 9-11 . 13. Burns , Roosevelt : The Soldier of Freedom , p . 28 . 14. Pleasants , Buncombe Bob , pp . 202–205 ; Lemmon ...
We Remember: Stories by North Carolina Veterans of World War II
This book offers educators a practical approach to managing problem behavior in schools.
We Remember: Stories by North Carolina Veterans of World War II
Drawn from the accounts of those who lived it, this powerful chronicle of our state during World War II commemorates the extraordinary actions of ordinary North Carolinians on the battlefield...
From the author of "Free to Die for Their Country" comes the story of the internment of 70,000 American citizens of Japanese ancestry in 1942, and the administrative tribunals that had been designed to pass judgment on those suspected of ...
The Queen City at War reveals a complexity of experience on the Charlotte home front, and it supports much of the current research that exposes the myth behind the "Good...
More than 10,000 German prisoners of war were interned in eighteen camps in North Carolina during World War II. Yet apart from the guards, civilian workers, and FBI and local...