For more than fifty years Robert Morgan has brought to life the landscape, history and culture of the Southern Appalachia of his youth. In 30 acclaimed volumes, including poetry, short story collections, novels and nonfiction prose, he has celebrated an often marginalized region. His many honors include four NEA Fellowships, a Guggenheim Fellowship and an award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, as well as television appearances (The Best American Poetry: New Stories from the South, Prize Stories: The O. Henry Awards). This first book on Morgan collects appreciations and analyses by some of his most dedicated readers, including fellow poets, authors, critics and scholars. An unpublished interview with him is included, along with an essay by him on the importance of sense of place, and a bibliography of publications by and about him.
As The Red Sea Rules makes comfortingly clear, He is in control. Using the Israelites' story in Exodus 14 as an example, Robert Morgan offers ten sound strategies for moving from fear to faith.
... Box I , Folder I. “ rather blamed himself in some degree ” Joseph Scholl to Draper , 1868 , DM24S213 . ... “ Boone wanted to examine the land " Peter Harget Deposition , April 30 , 1814 , Durrett Collection , R. H. Collins Papers ...
Pastor Robert Morgan leads a busy life as a pastor and is also a multitasking caregiver to his disabled wife. Most days he feels exhausted, yet over time God has shown him how to build himself up when he’s worn himself out.
These lyrics and stories behind them will speak to your soul, strengthen your faith, and deepen your understanding of God as you worship Him through song.
" My All in All is the fruit of his unique study, a 365-day devotional that will assure readers of God’s purposes, power, and grace time and again.
"--Loyal Jones "Gap Creek is the work of a master. Robert Morgan knows every corner, every inch, of the way of life he portrays in this deeply affecting book.
Morgan shares 10 ways you can cultivate the blessings of God's presence, including: Discovering special places Focusing on things unseen Abiding in Scripture Highlighting special times Trusting God in difficulty Serving God in ways large ...
In Come Let Us Adore Him, Rob shares his historical findings about these great hymns, their writers and composers, and other nuggets that engage readers more deeply in the beloved music of the Christmas season.
R ALSO BY OBERT MORGAN Fiction The Blue Valleys The Mountains Won't Remember Us The Hinterlands The Truest Pleasure Gap Creek The Balm of Gilead Tree: New and Selected Stories This Rock Brave Enemies The Road from Gap Creek Nonfiction ...
Bestselling author and pastor Robert J. Morgan explores the many character traits of Jesus, as shown by his many names.