The Texas Ranger law enforcement agency features so prominently in Texan and Wild West folklore that its accomplishments have been featured in everything from pulp novels to popular television. After a brief overview of the Texas Rangers’ formation, this book provides an exhaustive account of every known Ranger unit from 1823 to the present. Each chapter provides a brief contextual explanation of the time period covered and features entries on each unit’s commanders, periods of service, activities, and supervising authorities. Appendices include an account of the Rangers’ battle record, a history of the illustrious badge, documents relating to the Rangers, and lists of Rangers who have died in service, been inducted into the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame, or received the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Medal of Valor.
Austin : University of Texas Press , 1995 . Brands , H. W. Lone Star Nation : The Epic ... Carrigan , William D. The Making of a Lynching Culture : Violence and Vigilantism in Central Texas , 1836-1916 . ... Texas Ranger Tales II .
Here is the first full telling of the most colorful and famous law enforcers of our time.
Moore, Stephen L. Savage Frontier: Rangers, Riflemen, and Indian Wars in Texas. Vol. 1, 1835–1837. Plano, TX: Republic of Texas Press, 2002. ———. Savage Frontier. . . . Vol. 2, 1838–1839. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 2006.
The actions of the Rangers fit no easy description. There is a dark side to the story of the Rangers; during the Mexican Revolution, for example, some murdered with impunity.
Presents a general history of the law-enforcing service known as the Texas Rangers, discussing the origins and function of the ranging companies, and repeating some of the stories and legends of their exploits.
This country is developing wonderfully and the people demand better protection.” Not all the problems confronting the Rangers occurred along the border. In July 1918, Rangers John Dudley White and Walter I. Rowe ar. rived in San ...
Governor Miriam Amanda Wallace “Ma” Ferguson (1925–1927) and (1933–1935) was dominated by her husband, ex-governor James E. Ferguson. Her administrations were characterized by scandal and corruption. Courtesy of Texas State Library and ...
For counties bordering the Rio Grande/Río Bravo that very year Mexicanos murdered Texas Rangers William P. “Will” Stillwell, Joseph Robert “Joe” Shaw, Delbert “Tim” Timberlake, and T.E. Paul “Ellzey” Perkins.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993. Dana, Napoleon J. Tecumseh. Monterrey Is Ours: Mexican War Letters of Lieutenant Dana, 1845—1847. Edited by Robert H. Ferrell. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1990.
Three lears Among The Camanches: The Narrative of Nelson Lee, The Texas Ranger, ContainingA Detailed Account Of His Captivity Among the Indians, His Singular Escape Through The Instrumentality Of H is I/Vatch, And Fully Illustrating ...