The definitive biography of Michael Jackson, a “vivid…gripping...authoritative account of a world-changing force of nature” (Rolling Stone), celebrating the King of Pop’s legendary contributions to music, dance, and popular culture. From the moment in 1965 when he first stepped on stage—at age seven—in Gary, Indiana, Michael Jackson was destined to become the undisputed King of Pop. In a career spanning four decades, Jackson became a global icon, selling over four hundred million albums, earning thirteen Grammy awards, and spinning dance moves that captivated the world. Songs like “Billie Jean” and “Black and White” altered our national discussion of race and equality, and Jackson’s signature aesthetic, from the single white glove to the moonwalk, defined a generation. Despite publicized scandals and controversy, Jackson’s ultimate legacy will always be his music. In an account that “reminds us why Michael Jackson was, indeed, a ‘genius’ entertainer” (New York Newsday), Rolling Stone contributing editor Steve Knopper delves deeply into Jackson’s music and talent. From the artist’s early days with the Jackson 5, to his stratospheric success as a solo artist, to “Beat It” and “Thriller,” “Bad” and “The Man in the Mirror,” to his volatile final years, his attempted comeback, and untimely death, Knopper draws on his “critical and reportorial savvy in assessing Jackson’s creative peaks and valleys,” (USA TODAY) exploring the beguiling and often contradictory forces that fueled Michael Jackson’s genius. Drawing on an amazing four hundred interviews—ranging from Jackson’s relatives, friends, and key record executives to celebrities like and Weird Al Yankovic—this critical biography puts his career into perspective and celebrates his triumph in art and music. This is “a thoughtful look at an artist who grew up in a segregated mill town and who, for the rest of his life, made music to bring down walls” (Chicago Tribune).
Michael Jackson was once universally acclaimed as a song-and-dance man of genius. Now his stratospheric musical career has undeniably taken a backseat to his odd behavior and his legal troubles.
Michael Jackson's only autobiography, illustrated with rare photographs from Jackson family albums and Michael's personal photographic archives, as well as a drawing done by Michael exclusively for this book.
All of his giving and the desire to set the record straight about how MJ’s fans think of him, prompted the author, Maria Gee Madsen, to want to give Michael something in return, if only in effigy.
Recounts the author's career as an award-winning recording engineer and highlights his work with Michael Jackson on his most influential albums.
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... MJ's camp crisis / by Wendy L. Brandes Description: North Mankato, Minnesota : Stone Arch Books, an imprint of Capstone Press, [2017] | Series: Summer camp | Summary: When twelve-year-old MJ signed up for seven weeks at Camp Mon Mon ...
MJ's Stories
Michael and Me entertains and inspires, but above all, Shana continues to treat Michael (and his legacy) with respect. This is not an exploitative tell-all, but rather a book that shows the side of Michael people never knew.
Describes the life and accomplishments of the superstar singer, from his early career with the Jackson Five to his success as a solo performer and his personal troubles.
This is it! The original GQ story that became an international sensation by exploring, for the first time in the media, the other side--the defense side-- of the 1993 Michael Jackson scandal.