I really applaud your efforts. It s really diffi cult to do a book like that. - WAZIR Thanks again for your immense work, my family and I are indeed extremely grateful. - AZLAN Your effort in writing about the early Muslim doctors is very commendable and would be good for present and future generations to read about. - TAHIR You are doing valuable work by fi lling in the gaps in our history. I wish more of our retirees would impart their memories to repositories of knowledge such as the USM. - TAWFIK
Gerakan anti penjajahan di Malaysia 1511-1950: pengaruh agama dan tarikat
... the civilians of several races and levels of society - 2,473 who died with 810 missing, and presumed killed, as well as 1,385 wounded. The total casualties of 4,668 civilians were even more than the 4,425 6* THE LAST POST 'E5.
Apr 69 ABBAS MANSOR May 68 Aug 68 Dec 68 ABDUL AZIZ Mar 64 ABDUL GHAFFAR HAMZAH Mar 68 Apr 68 Jul 68 Sep 68 ABDUL GHAFFAR (RAFFAR) MOHD DIN Apr 64 ABDUL GHANI ABDUL RAHMAN Jan 63 Mar 63 May 63 Oct 63 Dec 63 Jan 64 Mar 64 Sep 64 ABDUL ...
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From Srivijaya to British colony to modern states, this is "history without tears" (The New Straits Times).
The Malayan Scouts (SAS) is the story of one soldier's experiences of SAS operations during the Malayan Emergency, fighting a ruthless enemy in a hostile environment.
Boundaries and Beyond: Language, Culture and Identity of Southeast Asia
Legends, Lessons and Love: A Small Town and an English School
The Historical Dictionary of Malaysia encapsulates the development of Malaysia from prehistory to the early years of the 21st century.