Coming Home: Welcome Home at Last

Coming Home: Welcome Home at Last
Coming Home
WestBow Press
Diane E. Monte


In her book, "Coming Home," author Diane Monte, focuses on the emotions children deal with in their growing years that help shape who they become as adults. This author has dedicated her life to children, educating, molding and engaging them in life's lessons. She imparts her high standards to all the children she is involved with. Coming Home deals with the feelings children experience when one of their loved ones is serving in the military. It enables them to share those feelings and their stories as they tell about that loved one. Coming Home is a great introduction to the true meaning of Veterans day and what a Veteran really signifies. Coming Home is a tribute to all those men and women past and present, who put their life on hold, as they pick up their armor for a greater cause. It is to these men and women that Coming Home honors their service to the United States of America. We salute you! As a mother of three daughters and Nanny to her two grand daughters, this author shares her adventures and experiences. As a teacher, she helps to enrich the lives of all she touches. As a writer, she speaks to all her readers hoping to share some of life's lessons. Diane Monte holds a Masters Degree in Education and Psychology and has always enjoyed her role as Educator, Parent and Writer. She has four children's titles awaiting publication. The Red Balloon, Katie's Kitten, The New Puppy and Cassie's Adventures. She looks forward to their publication and availability to all children.

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