I originally wanted to write this book to give you a place where you can read some of my real life experiences of how I got on the road to life coaching myself into who I am today. I wanted to write a book that could give you real life examples that you may or may not could relate too but never-the-less could get you thinking of how you can life coach yourself into the person you would like to be some day. In addition, I wanted to show you (my readers) some of the experiences I have struggled with on a day-to-day basis while I was becoming the person I wanted to be. I am not a writer that writes just because I know how or because of my degrees but I am a writer that writes because it is a gift that I cannot seem to keep to myself. They say when something is in God's plan, you have no say in how it will unfold; this has been true for me because of where I am today! During the final process of writing this book, I gained a different vision for writing something more than just a manual to life coaching yourself into success, but also something that could allow you (my readers) to read in one book, life quotes from others around the world who are just as successful. I believed that if you could hear it not only from me, but from others that you look up too, you could gain the inspiration and motivation you needed to become successful at whatever it is your heart desires. Finally, I wrote this book because there is a need to help others like me who sometimes struggle with getting what they want out of life. Just because I am successful now does not mean I did not have life circumstances that hindered my success, too.
Helping you in all areas - personal and professional - this book will be your most valuable guide to being the most that you can be.
Be your own best life coach is an inspirational guide tohelp readers take control of their lives and motivatethemselves effectively so they can achieve their goals.Packed with advice to help readers realise theirambitions and shrug off the ...
In this book, one of the most widely recognized personal coaches in the world, Talane Miedaner, provides you with the latest technology for achieving success and attracting everything you have always wanted.
This complete guide to life coaching reveals what life coaching IS, how to coach yourself and others effectively and how to create and sustain a successful coaching practice.
Self Help.
This revised edition of Coach Yourself is for anyone who wants to lead a more purposeful, more successful life.
Becoming a Life Coach takes us behind-the-scenes through the experiences of two top-tier life coaches who spend their days working one-on-one with clients to create new paths forward.
Become a life coach-for yourself and others-with this practical, informative guide If you're interested in doing away with negative beliefs, making a significant change in your life, and, finally, create-and live-the life you want, life ...
London: Thorsons Publishers. O'Hanlon, B., & Hudson, P. (1995). Stop blaming, start loving: A solution-oriented approach to improving your relationship. New York: W. W. Norton. O'Hanlon, B. (1998). A guide to possibility land.
If you can't teach yourself, how will you teach others? This is all you need to coach as a professional. This book is written out of the wealth of experience of the author, in person of Festus Wemwen Isibor.