River Primeval

Richard Lee


River Primeval is the story of four young scientists swept from their research on the Island of Komodo in the South Pacific and with much trepidation deposited on an expedition in the Likouala swamp, an impenetrable area roughly the size of Florida and largely unexplored deep in the western region of the Congo. Once on the river there is but one way out, the expedition must make it to an ancient elephant clearing 200 miles into the interior of the swamp. The sole goal of the expedition, as outlined in a letter given to Zach by his mother at his father's funeral is for Zach to carry out his father's dream and make his mark on science and history by proving the existence of Mokele-Mbembe, translated from the Lingala pygmy language meaning "He who stops the flow of rivers." Mokele-Mbembe, a sauropod like creature has been reported by the indigenous pygmy populations and is said to live in the rivers and deep pools of the Likouala. The expedition is put in the hands of Roger Silver, an incredibly capable but down on his financial luck American outdoorsman who grew up via his missionary parents among the pygmies in the Likouala and has a deep love of the pygmies and the swamp in which they live. The scientists are led by microbiologist Zach Wells, a Texas born ivy league educated alpha male who is fiercely dedicated to the safety of his crew and is more than capable of handling the dangerous environment in which he is about to be thrust. A true heroine and fellow scientist is herpetologist Sierra March, a beautiful young surfer girl from the beaches of California who would rather be in the company of pit vipers than loveable kittens. Also along on the expedition is botanist Connor Kearny, a rough talking cowboy from Nevada who does not shy away from confrontation and a true man's man. Then there is Chip Landry, a sarcastic wise cracking microbiologist who would just as soon stay on the couch, eat cheetos and drink beer than go to the Congo looking for monsters. The team is also accompanied by Richard White, driven to make a scientific name for himself as well, and his beautiful wife Susan, who loves the adventure and lifestyle her billionaire husband provides and whose task it is to film and record the findings of the hunt. Susan also just happens to be the former college girl friend of Zach. Rounding out the expedition is, the all important indigenous pygmy, Itazuma. He is a Led Zeppelin tee shirt wearing native guide, who knows the dangers of the Likouala and who can read a river as easily as reading the time on a watch. He knows the unmapped tributaries, marshes and the native languages of the pygmy tribes of the Likouala. Once on the Congo tributaries, after days of hardship fighting unbearable heat, sleep deprivation, hippos, snakes, insects, the dense jungle and fear of the unknown, the expedition suddenly finds themselves with no way out of the swamp and hunted by the Bosango, a practicing cannibalistic pygmy tribe, that will stop at nothing to clear their jungle home of the interlopers while filling their bellies at the same time. The expedition endures capture, injury, grave illness and terrifying separation. As the days and dangers in the Likouala unfold and through all the trials and tribulations the Congo can dish out, Zach and Sierra somehow find the love for one another that had been smoldering since their eyes had met and a true love story is set in motion screaming down a truly primeval river. Richard Lee has penned a story that encapsulates true adventure with a love story that is expertly woven throughout. River Primeval is a classic adventure that takes the reader to a place like no other in the world. Each page brings the characters closer to one another and closer to the heart of the reader. A true page turner that will not be put down once it's picked up.