This book is intended for the laboratory component of a typical two-semester introductory college chemistry course for science majors. Several features differentiate this book from typical laboratory manuals. The book is published on demand through Amazon's CreateSpace to minimize cost to the student; $30 for 400 pages is 7.5 cents per page, which is about the cost of printing or photocopying. The experiments are designed to be as simple as possible; most are short enough to be completed in 90 minutes, while the longer ones can be easily split into two 90 minute sessions if necessary. This will allow ample class time for student interaction with the instructor and their peers. The expected results lend themselves to straightforward analysis and interpretation. A wide range of laboratory techniques is taught, but each experiment should not overwhelm students with too many new techniques to learn. Numerous Internet resources (videos, interactive simulations, databases) are utilized in the pre- and post-lab activities. Every effort was made to use web resources that are least likely to disappear in the future. A website containing instructor's notes (corrections, sample data, updated links to websites, etc.) and Moodle quizzes are maintained by the author. Pre-lab material is organized into activities instead of separate "Background" and "Pre-lab Assignment" sections. The author recommends, in lieu of a pre-lab lecture, going through the activities during class time, with students taking turns reading the passages aloud and answering some of the questions.For continuously updated Errata, please visit: For clickable links to websites cited in the lab manual, go to